This is the end of Midwest Furfest 2018, I couldn't believe how quickly it flew by. I had such a wonderful time with all my amazing friends. I stayed in the Double Tree with my wonderful friends: CrazDude, Lalarke, CATcusbutt, Entropy, and MigiMutt. I have only met Craz before and I love her so much! I’ve known Lalarke for years and years and have been an avid supporter of her work and I was so so so so so honored to finally meet her! This convention is one of my last for a while due to me going to College this January so I figured this would be my last hurrah before I buckle down and study.
Thursday: November, 29th, I left for the convention. I woke up at 4 AM so my father could drive me to the airport. My flight was at 6:20 AM So I ended up at the convention around 7 or 8ish. The first official day was pretty quiet besides the GIANT LINE FOR REGISTRATION! MFF is known as Line-Con due to how long the registration lines were. Thankfully I left really early to get in line and being a sponsor helped quite a bit! I ended up getting my badge within an Hour so I wasn’t too bad for me personally. Many of my friends waited 3 hours+ for their badge. The disorganization of this convention was one of the only downsides of the entire con! I finally arrived to at my room after getting dropped off by the Shuttle. CrazDude and Lalarke was there! I was so glad I finally got to meet Alex! She’s such a sweet heart and I’ve commissioned her a thousand times! She actually did a free badge for me as a Christmas gift and she got an adorable little deer ornament that was super duper dorky! We ended up naming him B.O.I. aka Bambi on ice! I also got to meet our other roommate a bit later! Her name is Entropy and she has bright purple hair and her fursona is a badger and a gazelle.
Thursday: November, 29th, I left for the convention. I woke up at 4 AM so my father could drive me to the airport. My flight was at 6:20 AM So I ended up at the convention around 7 or 8ish. The first official day was pretty quiet besides the GIANT LINE FOR REGISTRATION! MFF is known as Line-Con due to how long the registration lines were. Thankfully I left really early to get in line and being a sponsor helped quite a bit! I ended up getting my badge within an Hour so I wasn’t too bad for me personally. Many of my friends waited 3 hours+ for their badge. The disorganization of this convention was one of the only downsides of the entire con! I finally arrived to at my room after getting dropped off by the Shuttle. CrazDude and Lalarke was there! I was so glad I finally got to meet Alex! She’s such a sweet heart and I’ve commissioned her a thousand times! She actually did a free badge for me as a Christmas gift and she got an adorable little deer ornament that was super duper dorky! We ended up naming him B.O.I. aka Bambi on ice! I also got to meet our other roommate a bit later! Her name is Entropy and she has bright purple hair and her fursona is a badger and a gazelle.
Friday: The Second day was waaay busier! Our other two roomates ended up coming that day! CATusbutt and MigiMutt, They were both so wonderful and I miss them dearly! They’re the cutest couple I ever met! The Dealer’s Den and Artist alley opened for the first time this day! I got in line for the opening of the doors. I was a bit peeved though because one of the “Crowd Control” People told me the end of the line was actually at the beginning of the line so I basically cut in front of everyone and was standing there for two hours. And I felt so bad because this one kid was there since 9 AM and the dealer’s den & artist alley opened at 11 AM. I let them go in first because I felt absolutely awful about cutting but I didn’t want to go to the back of the giant line. I bought a few things! I commissioned my roommates Craz and Entropy! I commissioned a sketch page from Matuska, bought my Dakimakura from paw to press, and commissioned Onnanoko for a full body sketch! I pretty much wiped out most of my money on the first day haha! But it was sooo worth it!
Saturday: The Third Day was super duper busy! I hung out with so many people and went to a few events! There was even a giant photoshoot for all the deer and other suits at an event called the Menagerie, it was so rad to see all these different fur suits in one giant room! And there were so many awesome photographers who were kind enough to devote their time to photographing our fluffy butts. I ended up meeting Mel the raccoon. She was my photographer for the deer group photo. She’s actually a local to Ohio and it was so rad to talk with her and see the pictures she took during the shoot. One of my friends went to the convention Incognito and they surprised the heck out of me with their spooky disguise. We ended up hanging out and snuck into floor wars before the others were let in, but you didn’t hear that from me haha! We ended up getting some pretty good seats though and it was a blast to watch all these amazing dancers compete. And I even got to meet HanzyPanzy AKA Hanzo, He even recognized me and said “Hey!”. He competed and honestly he was robbed. He did such an amazing job during his routine. I’m so disappointed he lost the first round. I ultimately ended up just hanging out with a bunch of friends and this was also the day I fursuited the most.
Saturday: The Third Day was super duper busy! I hung out with so many people and went to a few events! There was even a giant photoshoot for all the deer and other suits at an event called the Menagerie, it was so rad to see all these different fur suits in one giant room! And there were so many awesome photographers who were kind enough to devote their time to photographing our fluffy butts. I ended up meeting Mel the raccoon. She was my photographer for the deer group photo. She’s actually a local to Ohio and it was so rad to talk with her and see the pictures she took during the shoot. One of my friends went to the convention Incognito and they surprised the heck out of me with their spooky disguise. We ended up hanging out and snuck into floor wars before the others were let in, but you didn’t hear that from me haha! We ended up getting some pretty good seats though and it was a blast to watch all these amazing dancers compete. And I even got to meet HanzyPanzy AKA Hanzo, He even recognized me and said “Hey!”. He competed and honestly he was robbed. He did such an amazing job during his routine. I’m so disappointed he lost the first round. I ultimately ended up just hanging out with a bunch of friends and this was also the day I fursuited the most.
Sunday: The Fourth Day things were still quite busy, I mostly hung out with friends and lounged around the convention center and hotel. I also went to the fursuit dance competition and got to sit next to the couple that got engaged ;0; and it was the cutest thing ever. Congratulations to the newly engaged! It was amazing seeing a lot of my friends up on stage preforming. It just boggles my mind how they can dance and jump and move in these giant fuzzy animal costumes! I can barley walk up the stairs in my fullsuit, let alone do any of what they do on stage. I also picked up a few of my art pieces from the dealers den and artist alley.
Monday: The Fifth Day I woke up at 7 AM and left the hotel at 8 AM. My flight was at 11:25 AM but I really didn’t want to be late and miss it. I ended up being 3 hours early so I just got some Starbucks (Juniper Late) and sat down and waited for my flight to come up. Finally it was time to board and I ended up sitting in the very last seat on the plane. It was super noisy and hot since I was so close to the engine, but I did pay the bare minimum for the seat so I can’t complain. We ended up arriving five minutes early and my father was there to pick me! I was glad to be home, but boy oh boy do I miss my friends and all the amazing people I got to meet during the convention. Here’s a Special thanks to all the people who made this convention so much fun! Thank you! CrazDude, Lalarke, CATcusbutt, MigiMutt, Entropy, BlackTarotCat, TeslaSuxx, OpalCompass, BlackStarBatty, Oppizfireburb, HiroCorgi, Vagrant, Innouva, KirraBunny, and so many more! I just can’t even type everyone who made this convention so special to me! You were all so fun to hang out with and I love you all sooo much! I can’t even express how much I appreciate every single one of you!
Monday: The Fifth Day I woke up at 7 AM and left the hotel at 8 AM. My flight was at 11:25 AM but I really didn’t want to be late and miss it. I ended up being 3 hours early so I just got some Starbucks (Juniper Late) and sat down and waited for my flight to come up. Finally it was time to board and I ended up sitting in the very last seat on the plane. It was super noisy and hot since I was so close to the engine, but I did pay the bare minimum for the seat so I can’t complain. We ended up arriving five minutes early and my father was there to pick me! I was glad to be home, but boy oh boy do I miss my friends and all the amazing people I got to meet during the convention. Here’s a Special thanks to all the people who made this convention so much fun! Thank you! CrazDude, Lalarke, CATcusbutt, MigiMutt, Entropy, BlackTarotCat, TeslaSuxx, OpalCompass, BlackStarBatty, Oppizfireburb, HiroCorgi, Vagrant, Innouva, KirraBunny, and so many more! I just can’t even type everyone who made this convention so special to me! You were all so fun to hang out with and I love you all sooo much! I can’t even express how much I appreciate every single one of you!